Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Human robots.

Hi I'm
mr. Asimo.
I live in a place where i am programmed to be like the others.
i live in a system, in which is
everything is based on productivity and work efficiency.
Because i am a robot.
People wouldnt care about what i have to say.
Or i dont have to care what people feel.
Because my friends are robots too!

In the end, if im worn out,

i'll be eventually be thrown out in the garbage,
without, anyone noticing my dissappearance.

I wish i knew my true purpose of life.

Truely-your robotic friend, asimo.

Luckily. I am not mr. Asimo nor im a robot.
I am a human being.
I have feelings, so do my friends, and i am not programed to work for things or materials.
I work as a servant of Allah and InshaAllah i will one day die as servant of Allah.
There is a huge difference between a robot and human.
Allah created us, with minds and hearts.
So that we could think, and ponder upon what we do, and what we say.
As what we do, and what we say shall be accounted on the yaumul qiyamah!(judgment day)
So that we do not work, for this dunya. But we work for him!
So stop being a robot. Be a humble, generous human being instead.

Know that everything will end eventually, and nothing will ever last.

We will some day eventually die.

But if we die, lets make it all worth it.

You only live once(YOLO) . But live it how Allah and His Messenger wants it.

It will lead us to a happier live.

A worth while journey, with a true purpose life.

To be a  servant to Allah, spread peace and prevent bad doings.

May Allah grant us , a happier life here and the lifeafter.


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